1892-1897 studiaza dreptul in Viena; in 1998 promoveaza examenul de licenta; face parte din categoria poetilor simbolisti din Viena; primul volum de poezii il scoate la varsta de 19 ani, sub influenta puternica a lui Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
Poems (Dresden 1893); Verses 1892-96 (Bruenn 1896); My gardens. Lonely verses (Berlin 1897); Tristia. New poems from the years 1897-98 (Leipzig 1898); Days and dreams. New verses (Leipzig 1899; 2 1902 erw. Expenditure.); Longing. New verses (Munich 1900); Pierrot and Combine or the song of the marriage (Leipzig 1902); Previous evening. An act in verses (Leipzig 1902); Selected poems (Leipzig 1904); Book of the soul. New poems (Munich 1908); Child poems (Munich 1913); Autumn. Poems 1912-14 (Munich 1914); Eherne of sonnets 1914 (Munich 1915); Homeland of the soul. Poems 1914-16 (Munich 1916); War songs from Austria (Vienna 1917); Jahresringe. New poems 1918-21 (Braunschweig 1922); Autumn height. New poems 1921-33 (Paderborn 1933); Music of the resting world, Einl. and Ausw . W. Old (Graz 1960); As I am own completely yours. Poems to its wife, Hrsg. Lotte of Schaukal (Freiburg i.B. 1960); Poems, Hrsg. L v. Schaukal and J. Schondorff (Munich 1967).
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